Monday, January 31, 2011

Wisdom of Swami Vishwananda: The Divine will run to you...

"When you make your first step through prayer, through chanting, the Divine will run to you. And, it is possible to attain Him. Open up the mind, surrender it to Him, and let the Love which you have inside of you flow. If you have not yet attained this Love, do everything to attain it, because that’s who you are and that’s what you are here for."

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Wisdom of Swami Vishwananda: Surrender to God...

"Whatever we do, often we expect, either indirectly or directly.Whether you are conscious of it or you are not conscious of it, there is expectation, always. Having any expectation will never let you be free; only until you let go completely of it. If you are on the spiritual path, when you let go, you surrender to God, you will feel this peace of mind, you will feel that you are free."

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Wisdom of Swami Vishwananda: You are part of God...

"The more you think of yourself being the Spirit, being part of Divinity, the more you will become the Spirit and Divinity."

Friday, January 28, 2011

Wisdom of Swami Vishwananda: We have to become part of Him...

"We have to become part of Him. We have to realize this unity. Firstly, the unity starts with our mind uniting with our heart, then with our body. When the body, mind and soul are united together, you will experience the Divine without any limitation. Actually, this is the main aim of man: to realize his oneness with the Divine. When you realize it, you become Divine."

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wisdom of Swami Vishwananda: In God you have everything...

"In God you have everything. God - wich is the source of everything - in realising Him you will realise the limitless quality of mankind, the limitless quality of the true Self. And this will be the end of all misery, the end of all pain."

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Wisdom of Swami Vishwananda: We take everything for granted...

"Very often, when we do things, we take everything for granted. We forget that behind all our actions, behind all that is happening, there is God’s Grace. And if we start seeing it in this way, we will be very happy. We will find peace in everything, even the worst thing that comes in our life, we will look at it in a different way."

Monday, January 24, 2011

Wisdom of Swami Vishwananda: Try your best to feel Him at all times...

"Try your best to feel Him at all times.So the best way is to start loving, without any question, without thinking of loving, without asking: “How to love?” Train your mind to focus on God, train your mind to focus on your Self. Take any divine name, take any divine aspect and keep chanting the name till you realize that you are one with this name. It’s not a name apart from you, but it’s the name of your own Self."

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Wisdom of Swami Vishwananda: The goal of life...

"The goal of life is to attain happiness, to attain the eternal bliss. And this is what mankind is here for. The rest is just secondary. But nowadays, people have placed God in the second, even third position, while first vacation is shining beautifully – number one! Misery dresses itself so beautifully that you can get trapped in it. And the moment you get trapped in it, she is happy. Maya Devi is very powerful, because She traps everything, everybody get trapped in it."

Friday, January 21, 2011

Wisdom of Swami Vishwananda: Trust in yourself...

"Each one has to be secure with oneself. And this security is only in the trust of God. Trust in yourself!"

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Wisdom of Swami Vishwananda: We have to realize this divinity within ourselves...

"All scriptures have said that man is made according to the image of God. So, if man is the image of God, man is part of God. We have just to realize this divinity within ourselves"

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wisdom of Swami Vishwananda: Try to meditate...

"I have come to help you, to give something, which is very simple, for attaining this state of Bliss. It’s through meditation, actually. We breathe every day so many times. How many times do we realize how important is this breath? Not many times, because it´s so normal, isn´t it? It´s a routine; it happens automatically. So if you really want to realize God, try to meditate."

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Wisdom of Swami Vishwananda: You really need to want God...

"Religion is one path. It’s a disciplined way that does this from the outside to the inside, but it doesn’t stop there. Very often, humans start by praying, but they get stuck, they get stuck by the form that they’re praying to. They don´t cross over, they don´t really want to realize who they are really, Reality. As long as there is not this want of realizing, it´s difficult. You really need to want it. You really need to want it, to want God. Then He can give Himself with dignity."

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Wisdom of Swami Vishwananda: By trusting in yourself...

"By trusting in yourself, you will trust in God. By loving yourself you will love God and you will love everybody without any conditions, without any judgment. It will just be pure love."

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Wisdom of Swami Vishwananda: He wants you back with Him...

"God loves you and He wants you back with Him. He wants you to realize that you are with Him all the time and that He is with you all the time."

Friday, January 14, 2011

Wisdom of Swami Vishwananda: Man is the incarnation of the Supreme...

"Man is the incarnation of the Supreme Cosmic Eternal Bliss. If we think of ourselves as being this bliss and focus on it, we will become this bliss, but by our own effort."

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Wisdom of Swami Vishwananda: By knowing ourselves, we will know God...

"We can't know God, but we can know ourselves. By knowing ourselves, we will know God. We will realise Him and we will realise the great joy and peace that He brings."

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wisdom of Swami Vishwananda: Realise the oneness with Him...

"God has sent you all here, not just to stay here, not only to work, but He has put you here to realise the oneness with Him, to get rid of the shadow that has covered your soul. And when this shadow has gone away, the light will shine."

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Wisdom of Swami Vishwananda: Stop looking for fault in others...

"The moment you stop judging; the moment you stop looking for fault in others, you will start loving everybody truly. And for that, you have to start looking within yourself, looking what you have to change in your life. I’m not saying to judge yourself, but to look at what is the negative part of you and face it."

Monday, January 10, 2011

Wisdom of Swami Vishwananda: Work and love God...

"Work and love God. Whatever you do - every action, every thought - focus your mind on doing it for God. Love God in everybody and everything around you. And when you love, love one hundred-per-cent. Try to not doubt this Love because when you doubt it, even a little bit of doubt stops your advancement."

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Wisdom of Swami Vishwananda: madly in love with God...

"Know one thing, when you become a lover, the Beloved ist always with you - all the time. But you have to become the lover. You have to be madly in love with God the same way you are madly in love with your partner"

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Wisdom of Swami Vishwananda:God's Grace...

"We forget that behind all our actions, behind all that is happening, there is God’s Grace. And if we start seeing it in this way, we will be very happy. We will find peace in everything, even the worst thing that comes in our life, we will look at it in a different way."