Friday, February 18, 2011

Wisdom of Swami Vishwananda: When one is in bliss...

"When one is in bliss, one doesn’t know happiness or sadness. It is difficult to understand it with the mind, because your brain can only understand whether you are happy or sad, or you are happy-sad, but transcending these two is Ananda. And that’s what our soul is longing for."


Anonymous said...

...Maybe we are not what we took for granted that we are? Why not check it ? Maybe we dont exist at all? Or Maybe there is only Being-ness? Then who we are in it? As long as we dont admit that the personal identity we defend so much - may not exist and the whole conceptualisation built around it is invalid - we have no chance to investigate into who we really are! But that may require questioning all we think we know. Unless we are ready to examin who we are to move to a different perspective/level of understanding nobody can help us! We have to start from the begining with the basic question and unless we find the answer all the world built around our mental perception - is inadequate when addressing the Truth of our nature and our world!...Maybe we are too intellignet to recognise that we dont exist as what we think that exist! Maybe we know too much to notice that we based all our understanding on the false presumtion! Maybe it is about the time to question everything and see... what is left!?....

Anonymous said...

Although we say that it is difficult to come to a place where we perceive the Supreme reality, we also know that there is no method to achieve this, because employing a method assumes that there is someone there, someone who is trying to get somewhere. By its very nature, method indicates a belief in separateness. So there is no technique, no method, no understanding that will precipitate the perception of oneness. If you do anything to get there, then you must be seeing yourself as a separate person, acting according to that separateness, and trying to get oneness -- which is impossible. Still the perception of oneness does happen, because it is a fact, it is the reality. It happens when we relax, when we abandon our beliefs and our ideas and our defensiveness and our fears, when we do not need to constantly be protecting ourselves and pushing away the outside, when we are not busy enhancing ourselves and thinking of ourselves. (Diamond Heart Book 4, pg 105)h

Anonymous said...

However, the moment you recognize that true nature is such a beauty, such a preciousness, you will do anything for it. No sacrifice is too great to realize that beauty, that radiant, lustrous preciousness. It is difficult to convey verbally the sense of this preciousness, this beauty, and the wonder and magic of it. Physical beauty is a very pale reflection of the beauty of Being, which is the nature of your soul. If you really recognize that the truth of who you are is so beautiful, so precious, so full of value, and so magnificent, you would devote the totality of your life to it. Everything in the universe, from beginning to end, is like dust compared to this magnificence, and every action and situation is expendable for this preciousness. (Facets of Unity, pg 225)